SOILTECH is a premier engineering firm in Sri Lanka for ground water exploration. This is among one of the first services the company has chosen as its business initiatives a decade ago. We have expertise and technology to probe and locate high capacity wells in water scarce areas. Depth of water resource, capacity and water quality are assessed by SOILTECH using surface and borehole geophysics, aquifer performance tests, and modeling studies. SOILTECH Services,
Drilling Management for Groundwater Exploration,
Hydro FracturingHydro fracturing is a water well development process that involves injecting high pressure water via the well into the bedrock formation immediately surrounding it. This procedure is intended to widen existing fractures supplying water to the well. Water well stimulation is a cost effective means of increasing the yield of existing wells with insufficient production rates or existing older wells with decreased production rates due to incrustation or mineralization of existing bedrock fractures.
Benefits of Hydro Fracturing,
Our latest hydro-fracturing technology can guarantee the rehabilitation of abandoned well or increase the yield of low yielding well |